中新網(wǎng)1月18日電 “不折騰”怎么翻譯成英文?對于這個世界性的難題,中國駐納米比亞大使任小萍也給出了自己的答案。她在中國外交部網(wǎng)站上發(fā)表文章,對這個困擾各路翻譯精英的難題予以解答。
她在文章中指出,最近,胡主席在慶祝改革開放30 周年講話中說:“只要我們不動搖、不懈怠、不折騰,堅定不移地推進改革開放,堅定不移地走中國特色社會主義道路,就一定能夠勝利實現(xiàn)這一宏偉藍圖和奮斗目標!
1、don't flip flop (別翻來倒去,朝三暮四)
2、don't get sidetracked (別走岔路)
3、don't sway back and forth (別反復(fù))
4、no dithering(不躊躇)
5、no major changes (沒有重大變化)
6、avoid futile actions (不做無用工)
7、stop making trouble and wasting time
8、no self-consuming political movements (不搞自我消耗的政治運動)
avoid self-inflicted setbacks (不折騰)
“self-inflicted” has the connotation of creating the unnecessary pain for one self.
折騰 in Hu’s speech has a strong connotation that such kind of setback is self-seeking instead of being due to the interference from outside.
“Setback” is a much better word than “trouble”, which an unseasoned translator would like to use in the first instance. “Setback” especially refers to the obstacle or difficulty encountered in achieving a strategic goal.
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