研究領(lǐng)域:(1)Focusing on the interactions bewteen rice dwarf virusmovement protein (MP) and cytoskeleton proteins (including actin andmicrotube proteins) and plasmodesmata in the aspects of molecular biology and cell biology; Functional mapping of RDV MP and studying the MP mutantson the effects on virus cell-to-cell movement and mediated resistance against virus infections in transgenic plants; Cloning the host factor(s)involving in virus cell-to-cell movement and virus replication.
(2).TMV外殼蛋白突變體對病毒粒子組裝和突變體外殼蛋白介導抗性的研究,國家科委863項目,1996.1 - 2000.12.
(7).Molecular Biology and cell biology of rice dwarf virus movementprotein, Rockefeller Foundation grant. 1999-2001.
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